Version: 3.0 Release Date: 11/10/2022

Twitter Spaces Recording:

Our team has been working extremely hard over the past months, and we are extremely excited to announce the official launch of Magic Mirror with you! With this exciting news, we wanted to make sure that everyone understood exactly what Magic Mirror was and how it worked.

The Problem

Previously, if you wanted to change your Bit’s appearance, you simply went over to the EightBit.Me website, connected your wallet, went to the Builder, and changed your Bit as you saw fit. However, these changes only occurred off-chain on the website itself, and therefore, the metadata of your Bit remained the same at the contract level. This is why the changes didn’t affect the way your Bit looks on OpenSea, for example.

The Solution

With Magic Mirror, however, owners will have the chance to change their Bit’s appearance at a contract level - effectively minting a new Bit which will be visible on OpenSea and other marketplaces. This new Bit will have updated metadata to include all of the changes you made! For example, if you have a biggie sweater in your loot, and you equip it on your Bit and utilize the Magic Mirror, your “new” Bit will have the biggie sweater trait!

🪞Magic Mirror

How it Works

If you hold a Magic Mirror Key you’ll be able to mint your new NFT just by paying the cost of gas. Clicking on Mint and Save while you possess the Key will trigger a safeTransferFrom method. Verify that that from address is your address that holds the key, and that the to address is the Magic Mirror Contract Address: 0x76f69278C791b6BBC21C935bd7B23DF68100E2a6

Once the transaction is completed the contract will emit a PaymentReceived event, which is how the EightBit API will know that you’ve paid.

If you -don’t- hold a Key, you can still Mint and Save except this time it will trigger a mint method. Minting without a key costs a small fee of 0.025E + the cost of gas. Similar to the other method, please verify the Contract Address.

You’ll only need to do either of these actions once per Bit. After you’ve unlocked the use of Magic Mirror for a Bit you can update the Magic Mirror metadata for that token as many times as you want - forever.

If you sell or transfer your EightBit to someone else, the new owner will also own the Magic Mirror Token, but the new owner will need to pay or transfer a Key in order to unlock the usage of Magic Mirror for themselves. Otherwise the Magic Mirror metadata API will return the original Bit traits.